Coming soon

Coming soon

Rigol 1000Z

Tools and equipment

We provide tools and equipment at Makers, including soldering tools, 3D printers, laser cutting machine.

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BBC micro:bit

Courses and classrooms

We provide courses for beginner members. All courses include necessary texts, materials and parts.

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electric circuits and a keyboard Photo by Zan on Unsplash

Makerspace is …

A makerspace is a collaborative work space inside a school, library or separate public/private facility for making, learning, exploring and sharing that uses high tech to no tech tools. These spaces are open to kids, adults, and entrepreneurs and have a variety of maker equipment including 3D printers, laser cutters, cnc machines, soldering irons and even sewing machines.

STEM skills are extremely important in the Digital Era

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Skills related to these are critical to problem-solving, innovation, and creativity. Designers, builders, and tinkerers, or individuals who create things with these skills, are called "makers". Makers Siem Reap is the first makerspace in Siem Reap, where Makers design products, realize their ideas, and learn STEM skills.

Kids proudly showing BBC micro:bit Image from

Develop Design Thinking

Also known as engineering, Design Thinking is a method to solve a problem. Unlike traditional education where teachers transfer knowledge first, the students then apply the knowledge to solve problems, Design Thinking requires students to find problems, and learn new things to solve the problem.

Reasons why you need a makerspace


I want to paint my products, but do not have a space.

Some works need a large space. Others need a good ventilation. Machines make noise. You do not want to let your kids around the machine.

We provide spaces for various works and rooms for special purpose.


I need an expensive tool to make my product once in a while.

You need special equipment, or an expensive machine. You do not use it everyday, but when you need it, you really need it.

We provide tools, equipment, and machines.


I want to create a cool thing, but do not know how.

Technology is affordable now. Still, you need to invest your time to learn it.

We provide courses for beginners, kids, and adults

Visit Us

The property is located at Wat Bo 20, Siem Reap. Next to Babel Guesthouse.

You can contact us on Telegram.