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How I write ansible role


16 minute read

I maintain many ansible roles. Some are dated back to a decade ago. I would like to document how I write ansible roles and why. In this post, I will describe why I write my own roles, rules I follow, and how I write roles. I will not explain ansible how-to, but how I design my roles. If you are looking for how to do something with ansible, look elsewhere. If you want to know how others develop...

Review: ESP32-S2-Saola-1 and nanoESP32-S2


6 minute read

I recently bought two ESP32-S2 development boards, ESP32-S2-Saola-1 and nanoESP32-S2. ESP32-S2 is a recent addition to ESP32-family, a scaled-down version of ESP32 with new peripherals and features. I have several ESP32 (and tons of ESP8266) for developments, but not many ESP32-S2. While waiting for the latest products — ESP32-C3 — from espressif, I would like to test the libraries and projects...



9 minute read

As a maintainer of esp-idf-lib, I would like to test the library on ESP32S2, a single core version of ESP32. At the moment, the only ESP32S2 development board available from AliExpress — the only practically feasible distributor in the country where I live — is one from LilyGo. LilyGo, a Chinese manufacturer, has a broad range of ESP32 development boards. As their boards are kind of hit-or-mis...

Logistics updates in Siem Reap


1 minute read

I have been making several purchases from AliExpress since the last post about shipping from China to Cambodia (Logistic recovering from Covid 19). Here is the summary: it takes a bit longer than before, but reasonably fast.